Airport expansion set to take off

April 4, 2006 (Ottawa) – The Ottawa International Airport Authority announced today that the Board of Directors has approved the $95 million Airport Expansion Program Phase II (AEP II).
In 2005, the Authority announced that it was ready to start designing the expansion to the domestic and international holdroom at the south end of the terminal. Expansion will add 12 gates, seven passenger bridges and more than 7,000 m2 of holdroom space.
“Given the increase in passenger volumes, and the addition of several flights and charter airlines since the opening of the new terminal in 2003, we are now at the point where congestion during peak times could become an impediment to further growth” said Airport Authority Chair Jim Durrell. “We are ready to address the need for additional space”.
“We have worked on an excellent design for the past 11 months, and are ready to go to tender for major project elements including building construction, apron construction and civil works and demolition” said Authority President and CEO Paul Benoit. “With the support of the Board of Directors, we can now move quickly, but carefully, and look forward to building on the tremendous success that was achieved in Phase I.”
The architects and designers have incorporated many of the same elements and finishes that are prevalent in the terminal into the expanded space for continuity and flow. An extensive recycling program will be adopted for this project; approximately 75% of the old terminal, which will eventually be demolished, will be repurposed. There are also plans to incorporate B.C. fir timbers from a WWII hangar that is currently being demolished; the wood will add warmth and charm to the space and will offer a constant reminder of the airport’s rich military history.
The project, which is expected to finish in 2008, offers more good news for both the traveller and the taxpayer in that there are no plans to raise the Airport Improvement Fee and that the entire project will be paid for once again without the use of taxpayer’s money.
OMCIAA operates Ottawa International Airport without government subsidies under a 60-year lease transfer agreement with Transport Canada. The OMCIAA’s mandate is to manage, operate and develop airport facilities and lands in support of the economic growth of the National Capital Region.