Ottawa Airport Authority’s 2021 highlights and Taxiway Romeo groundbreaking

The Ottawa Airport Authority hosted its virtual Annual Public Meeting today. Code Cubitt, Airport Authority Board Chair, and President and CEO of the Airport Authority, Mark Laroche, discussed 2021 highlights and impacts of COVID-19 on the airport, and announced financial results. Coincident with the meeting, the Authority released its 2021 Annual Report. The meeting followed a small groundbreaking ceremony on the airfield. The ceremony celebrated the first airside infrastructure expansion project in the Authority’s 20-year history. “This project, called Taxiway Romeo, is a game-changer for YOW,” said Mark Laroche. “It represents the first major airside infrastructure expansion project since well before the Authority was established in 1997. We initiated Romeo to accommodate the growing demands on our G7 Capital airport, with space earmarked for federal government needs and private-sector opportunities.” 2021 highlights include:
“I am so proud of the Authority team for demonstrating resilience and patience through the second year of the pandemic and for the long list of projects and accomplishments in 2021,” said Code Cubitt. “Their efforts to keep the airport operating efficiently and safely despite the many challenges are testament to their commitment to YOW’s recovery and success.” Despite the challenges of the past two years, the Authority has never lost sight of its strategic plans and goals. It has established an aggressive five-year timeline to ensure the airport recovers from the pandemic and thrives in the future. “We are very excited about the future of YOW with a long-term view focused on several strategic objectives, including building back our route network, understanding the shifting passenger profile, sustainability and our workforce,” said Mark Laroche. “The pandemic will have a lasting impact on our industry. Our path forward will return YOW to financial health and our role as an economic generator for the region more quickly.” Groundbreaking event for Romeo Taxiway From left to right: Marcel Mathurin, Krista Kealey, Chris Carruthers, Bonnie Boretsky, Kevin McGarr, Colin Morrison, Dick Brown, Marc Joyal, Bruce Lazenby, Michael Tremblay, Joel Tkach, Mark Laroche, Ian Sherman, Code Cubitt, Rob Turpin, Michèle Lafontaine, John Proctor, Lisa Dwyer, Deanna Monaghan, Marc Gervais, Shane Bennett, Chantal Bourdeau, Carole Presseault. - 30 - |