Ottawa International Airport sets the date

Claude Bennett, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport announced today that the new terminal will welcome its first customers through the doors on Sunday, October 12, 2003 – six months earlier than expected, and on budget.
“We would like to recognize the entire community for their input during the project. Thanks to their tremendous support, we will open a world class facility in October, and a fitting gateway into Canada’s capital” said Bennett.
The $310M airport expansion program represents the biggest construction project the Ottawa area has seen in many years.
The new terminal will consist of a unique three-level structure, together with:
- Two-level access roadway system
- 15 new aircraft gates
- New de-icing facility
- Combined Services Building
The new terminal complex will include a four-level parking structure which will be connected to the adjacent terminal building by two climate-controlled passenger walkways. The parking structure will accommodate 1,700 cars, bringing the total vehicle capacity to 2,500.
OMCIAA operates Ottawa International Airport without government subsidies under a 60-year lease transfer agreement with Transport Canada. The Authority’s mandate is to manage, operate and develop Airport facilities and lands in support of the economic growth of the National Capital Region. Its 40-year old terminal building was last expanded in 1987. Since that time, passenger traffic has increased over 35%.
For additional information, please contact:
Krista Kealey (613) 248-2050
Director of Communications and Public Affairs