YOW opens new CATSA Plus security screening checkpoint

The Ottawa International Airport Authority (Authority) is pleased to announce the opening of its new Canada/International security screening checkpoint featuring the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)’s enhanced screening concept, CATSA Plus.
The checkpoint’s move to Level 3 marks the culmination of a comprehensive multi-year project that included the creation of a ceiling over Gate 18 on Level 2, and the closure and relocation of several concessions to make way for the CATSA Plus installation. The project was carefully coordinated with the Authority’s YOW+ concession renewal program, the latter of which has been largely halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the airport’s significant loss of passenger volumes since March, the advanced state of the CATSA Plus project when the pandemic was declared prompted the Authority to proceed once provincial regulation allowed.
YOW’s CATSA Plus features
- 1,638 m2 total area (1,045 m2 screening and 593 m2 queuing space) is roughly 2.5x larger than the Level 2 space – the additional space will facilitate proper physical distancing
- Multiple divest stations which allows up to four passengers to divest their belongings at the same time
- Bin tracking system that assigns a unique identification tag to each bin along with a photo before it enters the X-ray system which makes the entire process more efficient
- Continuous X-ray belt for a constant flow through the screening process
- Motorized bag diverter which allows a screening officer to reject a bin and automatically redirect it to a separate lie area for additional screening
The original Level 2 checkpoint was designed before the tragic events of September 11, 2001 dramatically altered security screening requirements at airports. As regulations and technology evolved over subsequent years, the Authority worked diligently to accommodate more and different technology to facilitate efficient passenger throughput and high levels of customer service. This despite a very small available footprint of 670 m2 (415 m2 screening and 255 m2 queuing space).
In recent years, it became clear that the space would not permit its screening partner, CATSA, to implement its new, high-performance CATSA Plus program that has been successfully deployed at major airports across the country. The need to renew the concession program allowed the Authority to address two significant customer experience issues by reimagining the terminal; the YOW+ terminal enhancement program will proceed as appropriate when passenger volumes warrant.
Mark Laroche, President & CEO, Ottawa International Airport Authority
“The safety and security of all passengers and employees continues to be the Authority’s first priority. CATSA Plus will ensure effective, efficient screening for everyone who requires access to the airport’s secure area, and the larger footprint will provide the space needed to maintain the required physical distance in keeping with public health guidelines. Many thanks to our construction partners who maintained a safe workplace that followed not only construction safety protocols, but also the public health guidelines established to prevent any spread of the virus.”
Mike Saunders, CEO, Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
“CATSA worked closely with our partner, the Ottawa International Airport Authority, to ensure the seamless and timely deployment of our CATSA Plus screening system at the new pre-board screening security checkpoint, despite the challenges faced due to the pandemic. CATSA is always looking at innovative concepts that can contribute to a better screening experience while ensuring the highest level of security. CATSA Plus focuses on enhanced security effectiveness and a more pleasant experience through the checkpoint for air travellers, as the new lines allow for improved customer service and passenger flow.”