FOD mitigation

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is the term used to describe any uncontrolled object, material, part or natural element (ie. metal, wood, plastic, clothing, ice, sand, etc.) on an aircraft movement surface that has the potential to accidentally encounter an aircraft causing damage to an aircraft or injuring persons.
Foreign Object Damage is the term used to describe damage to an aircraft caused by foreign object debris present on an aircraft movement area.
Both these terms are commonly abbreviated by the term FOD.
Foreign material on any area of an aircraft movement surface shall be removed immediately by a vehicle operator and may be placed in appropriate FOD barrels that are strategically placed on the apron for this purpose. Vehicle operators must never leave FOD on any movement / maneuvering surface without at least attempting to remove it. If it is not possible for the operator to remove the debris, he/she must immediately report the foreign material to their supervisor and notify the Airport Operations Coordination Centre (AOCC) at 613-248-2200. If possible, remain by the debris until a clean-up crew arrives.
No person shall:
- throw, deposit or knowingly leave on a road, apron or maneuvering area any glass, nails, tacks, scraps of metal, chemical substance or other material that may damage an aircraft, vehicle or equipment; or
- throw, deposit or knowingly leave any form of trash or garbage except in containers provided for that purpose.
Foreign material such as mud and gravel can seriously damage aircraft engines. Vehicle operators must ensure that the movement and maneuvering areas are kept clean by checking that wheels and tires are clean before they enter these areas.
Loose baggage and other articles that have fallen from baggage carts must be moved to a safe location alongside the terminal building, a gate or entrance/exit point or returned to the originator in accordance with company procedures.