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Job opportunities at YOW

There are many different job opportunities at YOW, and two types of employers.

The Airport Authority is the largest employer at YOW and is the landlord of the Airport.

Our talent pool includes people who specialize in trades, information technology, ground maintenance, administration, emergency response and operations.

The Airport Authority oversees infrastructure, operations, safety and security.

Places and spaces

Ensures the terminal and all facilities on Airport lands meet all requirements.

Processes and procedures

Ensures that employers at YOW are respecting their commitments and meeting expectations.

People and places

Ensures that safety and security is always each employers priority.

All other employers lease space from the Airport Authority for their operations.

Each employer that operates on Airport property is independently managed, and each has their own hiring process.


Airlines recruit employees for various positions such as flight crews and customer service representatives, as well as individuals who provide ground services, aircraft maintenance, administrative and professional services.

Service providers in and around the terminal

At the terminal, many employers contribute to the travel process, including law enforcement, janitorial, concessions, ground transportation providers. Employers located on the airfield support air service, including airline catering, fueling, de-icing and baggage handling.

Tenants not related to Airport operations

A variety of retail stores, fast food and dining establishments, administrative offices, and companies that offer services operate on land near YOW that they lease from the Aurhority.