Kevin McGarr
At Large

Kevin McGarr is a seasoned executive with invaluable expertise and experience in both the security and law enforcement sectors. He previously served as President and CEO of the Pearson Centre and the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, overseeing the development and implementation of security screening programs and corporate strategy.
Having completed a career with the Montreal Police Service, he was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Governor General in recognition for his work to combat organized crime. He has also served as the Vice President of KPMG’s Forensic Inc. where he was responsible for the detection and prevention of corporate and financial malfeasance.
Kevin holds a Master of Business Administration from the John Molson School of Business of Concordia University.
Kevin joined the Airport Authrority’s Board of Directors in 2019 as an At Large member, and is Chair of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee.